Drama Chairperson:

Contact: mhsdramacommittee@gmail.com

Contact: mosmanhighdrama1@gmail.com

Meetings: The committee meets on Tuesdays, every 3rd week of the month, usually 2 days before the P&C meeting, at 7pm.

drama Committee

The P&C Drama Committee aims to provide practical help and support to the staff and students of the Mosman High School Drama Department. It also helps run Mosfest, a short-film competition open to all students (not just Drama), culminating in the MOscars award night showcasing the winning entries.

The committee meets on Tuesdays, every 3rd week of the month, usually 2 days before the P&C meeting, at 7pm in the school foyer (behind the office).

Please feel free to come to any or all of our meetings – the more the merrier!

In general, the committee doesn’t send out reminders, so please note dates in your diaries. We keep a contact data base of all parents interested in supporting drama at Mosman High.


This committee supports the school’s Drama program. Parents are wonderful assets providing not only expertise, but also assistance at performances and concerts. We work closely with the wonderful Performing Arts department, sharing ideas involving workshops, excursions to the theatre and of course performances. We help organise Mosfest the school’s film festival and its awards night The Moscars.

Get involved and support your child in the Drama program. If you can contribute any skills or expertise please come and join our team. You can contribute by attending our meetings once a month; our meetings are social and do make a difference to the Performing Arts.

You can contribute by attending our meetings once a month; our meetings are social and do make a difference to the Performing Arts.