Attend the P&C Meetings: Generally the third Thursday of the month (during term) at 7pm.
Executive Committee
President & Chair: Georgina Taylor
Treasurer: Sue Oh
Secretary: Kirsty Edwards
Vice President: Alan Hinton
Vice President: Hayden MacKellar
Communications Manager: Michelle Morley
Art Committee: Ann King
Dance Committee: Sue Oh
Music Committee: Caroline Fechner
Science Committee: Giovanni Laudicina
Sports Committee: Hayden MacKellar
Wellbeing Committee: Camilla Lindstrom
The P&C is open to all the School community; everyone is welcome. These are informal gatherings and a great way to meet other parents, so please consider getting involved. You can do this in a number of ways:
• Come to the P&C Meetings
The P&C generally meets at 7pm in the School Library on the third Thursday of each month during School term time. Sometimes the date needs to be adjusted to fit in with School evening activities such as concerts.
During current Covid-19 restrictions, the meetings are held Online with log-in details made available by email to the P&C
Meeting dates are published in the School Newsletter and via the Mosman High Community Facebook Page. If you can’t come to meetings, please email your suggestions to mosmanhighpandc@gmail.com and see our website for the latest information – mosmanhighpandc.org.au
• Help out on a P&C Committee
The P&C provides great opportunities for students and assistance to the School through its very active music, drama, sport, environment, art, science & technology and wellbeing committees. You can become an active member of the committee or show your support by coming along to a meeting.
• Pay your P&C Contribution
Each year we ask you to make a P&C contribution. This money is invested in school facilities, equipment, resources and technology to enhance students’ learning experiences. For more information see the P&C Contributions page.
• Become a member of the P&C
Everyone is welcome to attend meetings but only members can vote. You can become a member for an annual fee of $2, but you don’t need to be a member to attend meetings, volunteer, help on a P&C committee or be active in the School parent community.
Membership only involves filling in a MHS P&C Membership form and paying a nominal membership fee of $2.
All incorporated P&C Associations adopt the prescribed constitution when gazetted as an incorporated body through the P&C Federation’s 1976 Act of Incorporation.
See Mosman High School P&C Association Constitution
See Rules to Accompany Constitution of MHS P&C
The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) is the independent national regulator for all registered charities and not for profit organisations. All P&C associations, including MHS P&C, are recognised as charitable institutions, by the ACNC. For information about the ACNC site click here.